James Tonson, secr, Eva Goës, Didace Pembe, Adamou Garba, Steve Emmott, Juan Behrend, Margaret Blakers, Manuel Baquedano, Nma Emeruwah, Marco Mroz and Sandra Peng.
Absent friends Monica Frassoni, Monika Vana, Jean Rossiaud from EGP.
Here is Jean Rossiaud.
Global Greens Mission Statement
The Global Greens is the partnership of the worlds green parties and political movements. Its purpose is to work cooperatively to implement and uphold the Global Greens Charter and its roles include
• Facilitating global communication and networking
• Developing common views and campaigns
• Encouraging joint action
• Exchanging skills and support
• Promoting green ideas and values
The Global Greens Coordination is a political body that works to give effect to the wishes of the GG
As the Executive body of the Global Greens, the GGC is mandated to coordinate global greens work between GG Congresses.
Goals for Global Greens by 2015
• One global day of action in 2011
• Develop the new GG website by April 2011 (particularly the donation and database facilities, including increased social networking).
• A call to action related to COP 17 to be held in Johannesburg.
• A strong greens presence at COP 17 in Johannesburg South Africa nov 28 2011 including another GGC face to face meeting.
• Better networking of the Green foundations
• GG lectures as web casts by Marina, Isabella, - one from each federation
• Semi-regular GG newsletters 4-5 per year.
• GG Sponsored tree planting – beginning in Senegal.
• To hold a successful GG Congress in 2012
• Meetings of Green MPs + MEPs from around the world – to be organised by them, hosted by one party with MPs on a subject that is on the global agenda.
• To adopt at least one global campaign on an issue by 2015
• Secure funding for the GG and the federations – meaning a funded office in each federation with 1-2 people plus a GG office with 3-4 people by 2015 and a development fund for new and small green parties.
• Activating the Green Shield by 2015
• A publication about successful Green party development to be launched at the GG Congress in 2012, possibly partly
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