onsdag 16 mars 2011
Global Greens on Japan
Global Greens express solidarity with the Japanese people and call for radical change in the world’s energy paradigm
We, the Global Greens, representing more than 80 Green parties around the world, express our solidarity with the Japanese people at this tragic time. We send deep condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of the victims of this terrible tragedy.
Global Greens call on governments and civil society organisations in our respective countries to express their solidarity not only in words but also through practical help. The scale of the disaster is horrendous, with thousands of people dead and missing, hundreds of thousands without a home, two million without electricity and a million without regular access to drinking water.
The impacts of the earthquake and tsunami have been aggravated by fires, explosions and the potential for nuclear meltdown at several nuclear power plants. In particular, radioactive emissions and the risk caused by explosions at the nuclear plants at Fukushima have led to the evacuation of more than 200,000 people and pose an extreme risk for Japan and its neighbours. We deeply hope that the damage will be not greater than has already occurred and call on the Japanese government and the electricity companies to ensure that the public are given detailed, reliable and timely information.
The fact that these nuclear accidents are taking place exactly 25 years after the terrible Chernobyl nuclear accident calls for action. We Global Greens reaffirm our rejection of nuclear energy and our position that public and private efforts to solve energy problems should focus on using energy more efficiently and promoting clean renewable energy.
At this dramatic moment, the Global Greens call on governments such as China (which has just decided to create 50 new nuclear power plants), Italy, Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, USA, Turkey, Russia, India and many others to review their decision to promote nuclear power. Likewise we call on governments that have decided to extend the lifespan of long obsolete nuclear plants, such as Germany, Belgium and others, to close them as soon as possible.
We also call for an updated audit of the world’s existing nuclear power plants investigating their vulnerability to earthquakes, floods and events such as plane crashes and terrorist attack, and the scale of consequential impacts on people, industry and the environment.
Continuing to invest in nuclear energy when there is no solution to the problem of radioactive waste, when people are threatened each time an accident occurs, when insurance companies refuse to insure the potential risks, when they can be used for military purposes and when they constitute a permanent temptation for terrorism, is totally irresponsible.
In this time of grief in Japan, we call upon the governments of our countries to honour the victims of the earthquake and tsunami, and also to take steps to save others from experiencing the fear and disruption of nuclear accidents by initiating a paradigm shift to energy efficiency and renewable energy. Renewable energy technologies are safe, civilian in nature, create significant numbers of permanent jobs, are based on technologies available to all, and increase the energy independence or our countries. Combined with much greater energy efficiency they favour the prospect of a more peaceful and sustainable world, helping to overcome oil wars and provide energy for all. It is time to leave the nuclear era behind us.
More information: secretary@globalgreens.org
tisdag 15 mars 2011
Asia-Pacific Greens
Asia Pacific Greens Statement on Japan Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Disasters
On the afternoon of March 11, 2011 a major earthquake occurred in North-East Japan, destroying and severely damaging many cities and towns on the Pacific Coast.
Currently more than several tens of thousands of people are dead or
unaccounted for.
This catastrophe caused a cut off-off of cooling water into several
reactors of nuclear power plants located in Fukushima. As a result of
reduced water, the nuclear reactors may face a melt-down. If this occurs,
it could be the worst case of nuclear accidents all over the world.
At present, the Japanese government and electric company specialists are attempting to prevent radioactive leaks from the reactors, but they are not disclosing information such as potential size of accidents, possibility of radioactive exposure etc.
The Asia Pacific Greens Network calls upon the Japanese government:
1. To give correct, complete and timely information to the public immediately.
2. To give complete instructions for evacuation of all people at risk, in the event of additional related disasters.
3. To provide neighboring countries with complete, accurate and timely information about the potential impact of radioactivity spread.
4. To seek aid from international nuclear specialists or organisations and implement the most stringent solutions possible to address this nuclear emergency.
5. To seek aid from active nuclear rescue groups abroad.
6. To seek international financial aid toward Tsunami-affected people and infrastructure.
We of the APGN are also asking the international community to pay attention to the catastrophe, to request the Japanese Government to provide rapid and correct information regarding the process of responding to this nuclear accident.
Finally, the APGN reiterates our call to all countries in the region to
suspend all operations, constructions and plans for nuclear plants in the
Asia Pacific region until a regional hearing can fully review and evaluate
all health and safety, social, environmental, economic and other aspects
of nuclear power under the precautionary principle.
For more information
Shuji Imamoto
APGN Co-Secretary
lördag 12 mars 2011
Härdsmälta och kärnOsäkerhet
Japans kärnkraft hotas av flera härdsmältor efter jordbävningen och snabbstoppet!
Kommer det som en överraskning?
Nej, Miljöpartiet och jag själv har varnat för detta sedan Harrisburg och Tjernobyl. När jag satt i Näringsutskottet beställde jag en rapport om kärnOsäkerhet, som Lászlo Gönczi skrev.
Där konstaterar han följande:
En sannolikhet för härdsmälta, beräknad till ett haveri på 20 000 reaktor-år, kan egentliga vara ett på 200(!) reaktor-år.
Om någonting går sönder skall ett antal säkerhetsfunktioner träda i kraft. Det kan vara snabbstopp, nödkylssystem, alarm etc. De beräkningar som görs uppskattar
sannolikheten för att ett antal felaktigheter som kan tänkas leda till ett haveri skall uppstå i samma skeende. Man behöver mata in all erfarenhet av de ingående komponenterna, av komponenternas samverkan, av förutsägbara mänskliga felgrepp, och de teoretiska kunskaperna om konstruktionen av en reaktor. Genom att analysera vilka förlopp som kan leda till en härdsmälta, kan man få ett numeriskt värde på hur sannolik en härdsmälta är för en viss reaktor eller en viss reaktortyp.
Det allvarliga är, att även de moderna beräkningarna har osäkerhetsintervaller på storleksordningen en faktor 100!
Detta betyder att ett värde som ger en sannolikhet för härdsmälta, beräknad till ett haveri på 20 000 reaktor-år, kan det egentliga värdet också vara ett på 200(!) reaktor-år. Den vetenskap som uppger säkerhetsintervallet kan inte garantera någonting utöver detta!
- Det är ju ingenting konstigt med att människor gör allvarliga felgrepp, det är ju väntat, och syns på de stora osäkerhetsintervallen, kan man säga, som om det vore en tröst!
Det finns grund för att befara att riskerna med reaktordrift kan vara mer än hundra gånger så stor, än de risker som presenteras i tabeller och diagram, än de risker som man pratar om inför en bredare allmänhet. Det finns, med andra ord, en god grund att ifrågasätta reaktordriftens acceptens, både politiskt och legalt.
Det finns en tendens i svensk debatt, att vilja göra avvecklingen utan några materiella uppoffringar, i stort sett baserad på teknisk utveckling och politiskt nytänkande. Det finns dock också en anledning att tro, att riksdagen är villig till att ta någon mån av materiell standardminskning ställt i relation till den ovan beskrivna osäkerheten.
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Var finns motståndet i Sverige!
40 000 människor demonstrerade i Tyskland den 12 mars!
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