onsdag 24 augusti 2011

Sommaruppehåll - men nu full fart framåt!

Jag har gjort ett rejält sommaruppehåll! Kände att det var så mycket som skulle skötas inom familjens hank och stör så jag ville vara fri från bloggning.

Mina barn och barnbarn har varit hos oss på Kattastrand och vi har verkligen njutit av sol, vind och vatten!

Dessutom har jag fått vara nostalgisk och träffa alla mina fantastiska släktingar i Nordnorge under en veckas tid. Min man var trött redan efter första dagen då vi hunnit träffa 20 av dem. Några av en slump!

Det hemska var massakern som avslutade vår tur. Vi hade just tagit in hos vår Gröna vän Seija i Lofoten. Den ena katastrofen efter den andra visades på TV - först bomben i Oslo och sedan den förfärliga avrättningen på Utöya. Så fruktansvärt hemskt!

Jag måste medge att den har inte släppt taget om mig ännu. Det är så ofattbart, så meningslöst och så...... You name it!

Till slut ska vardagen ändå fånga in dig och nu har jag varit två svängar till Stockholm för att planera programskrivning och Green Forums ansökan till Sida. Nya riktlinjer och anvisningar ställer så höga krav på ansökan så det blir nödvändigt att koppla in konsult. Är det vettigt?

Det borde vara viktigare att se till att saker och ting förverkligas i stället och att man kan se effekter av det hos våra Gröna sköna partivänner i Afrika, Latinamerika och Östeuropa samt Västra Balkan.

Det ska bli intressant att se vad som kommer ut efter alla konsultationer fram till ansökan ska in den 1 nov 2011! Det tycker nog också Sidas handläggare!

Pappersexercisen och byråkratin med revisionsinstruktioner - som om det handlade om miljarder kronor i bidrag - har tagit överhand.
Är det revisions- eller demokratibistånd vi håller på med? Det är frågan!

tisdag 24 maj 2011

Brev från en elev i Fukushima

Hjälp till!

Jag är en elev från Minami-Soma i Fukushima,

har förlorat vänner under tsunamin,

mina vänner har förlorat sina föräldrar,

min bästa vännina sitter fast i Minami-Soma,

hon kan inte fly, saknar bensin för bilen.

Vid 16-års ålder förbereder jag mig att dö.

Döden närmar sig, känner jag.

Även om jag skulle komma undan levande

finns rädslan inför den dödliga strålningen hela tiden, överallt.

Politikerna, Staten, massmedia, experterna,

cheferna för atomkraftverken

alla är de våra fiender.

Alla är de lögnare!

Tv:n talar allt mindre om atomkraftverket.

Hela tiden samma bilder om tsunamin,

hjärtlösa intervjuer i massmedia,

läpparnas tröst,

en politiker värderar atomolyckan som "naturkatastrof".

Politiker, kan ni hjälpa oss med era löner och besparingar!

Sluta leva i lyx och hjälp offren att överleva!

Sluta med att bara kommendera,

sluta titta på oss från ett säkert ställe,

kom själva hit och hjälp oss!

Vi är de man har låtit falla.

Fukushima kommer utan tvivel att vara isolerat.

Man låter oss falla fullständigt,

det är staten som dödar oss.

Vi, katastrofens offer, kommer aldrig att ursäkta staten

att den har låtit oss falla.

Till er som läser detta brev vill jag säga följande:

Ni vet aldrig när en person som ni håller av

kommer att försvinna.

Föreställa er att personen som ni skrattar tillsammans med

försvinner i nästa ögonblick.

Var mera uppmärksamma på er omgivning från och med nu!

Nu har skolan där vi har tillbringat vår ungdom

förvandlats till ett bårhus.

Personer som aldrig mer kommer att röra på sig

ligger utsträckta i hallen

där vi gjorde gymnastik och hade våra klubbkvällar.

Hur kan jag förmedla verkligheten

till så många människor som möjligt?

Jag vore lycklig om åtminstone

en människa skulle läsa detta budskap.

Efter att ha funderat

har jag nu tagit mig friheten att skriva detta.

Jag ber om ursäkt och tackar er som ville lyssna.

Brevet publicerades den 30 mars 2011 på


översattes till franska av Violaine Mochizuki (http://www.sortirdunucleaire.org)

tisdag 26 april 2011

Hur cynisk får myndigheterna bli?

I Japan ämnar man höja gränsvärdet för hur mycket barn kan exponera sig för radioaktivitet!
I Sverige höjde man gränsvärdet för mat direkt efter Tjernobyl!

Det är endast ekonomin som räknas!

Likaså beordrades folk att leva som vanligt. Barnen satt i sandlådor efter första regnet. Där kunde de få i sig hot spots med livsfarlig radioaktivitet.
Andra krattade sina trädgårdar där samma sak kunde hända i och med att gammalt kontaminerat gräs flög omkring.

Samtidigt som man upptäckte att vi hade höga värden av radioaktivitet i Västernorrland beordrade man att all tillgänglig utrustning skulle ner till Skåne. Varför? Jo, man skulle mäta markstrålningen innan kreaturen skulle ut på bete.

M a o vi människor i Västernorrland var mindre värda än kreaturen i söder!

Jag bestämde mig för att köpa en folkens mätare. Det tog veckor för alla var slut i Sverige. Sedan mätte jag hemma hos bönder och småbarnsföräldrar för att de skulle veta var det var värst att hålla till. Givetvis i närheten av stuprör (regnvattnet) och i mossa där vattnet samlats.

Min stackars son blev kallad Mikrosievert pga att jag bad fotbollslaget att ställa in sin turnering i andra regnet, när atmosfären tvättades ur. Tror ni att det var uppskattat?

Det slutade med att efter tre-fyra veckor utgick ett påbud om att man inte skulle leka i sandlådor utan att byta ut sanden först (ej kontaminerat dito) och inte kratta i trädgårdar, etc.

Då var skadan redan skedd! Barn på förskolor sattes faktiskt ut i regn i sandlådor, för att visa mig att jag hade fel....De ville statuera exempel!

Idag har vi flera fall av cancer i våra trakter (liksom i de andra mest utsatta områdena i Sverige), men ingen vill följa upp det. Forskningen är nedlagd!

Jag har drivit frågan hela tiden i landstinget när jag var där. I kommunen har jag väckt frågor kring detsamma.

Gissa om jag blev matt, när Fukushima rapporterades till världen!
Jag orkar inte börja om med all upplysningsverksamhet efter alla dessa år!

Snälla människor läs på! Förstå att det finns inga säkra kärnkraftverk!
Den mänskliga faktorn kan ingen operera bort!
Dessutom är naturens krafter mycket större än den lilla människans!

Petition against raising the radiation exposure onto children

Petition Deadline April 30!

Citizens will be meeting with the Japanese government on Monday May 2, and will submit the signatures gathered. We will report back the results to you on this blog. Please tell us where you are from, as we are looking for the support of the international community. Thanks for your interest and participation!

We the undersigned ask you to join us in signing our petition, to be presented to the Japanese Government.


[Emergency Statement and Demands]
We urgently demand the withdrawal of the Japanese Government’s inhumane decision to force 20mSv per year radiation exposure onto children

On April 19th, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) notified the Board of Education and related institutions in Fukushima Prefecture the level of 20 millisieverts per year (mSv/y) as a Radiation Safety Standard for schools in Fukushima Prefecture. This is the standard to be used for school grounds and buildings. The Government has indicated that 20mSv/y is equivalent to 3.8 microSv per hour measured outdoors.

3.8 microSv/h is roughly 6 times [the 0.6 microSv/h] of “Radiation Controlled Areas” (0.6 microSv/h or more). The Labour Standards Act prohibits those under the age of 18 from working under these conditions. Forcing children to be exposed to such radiation doses is an exceedingly inhumane decision. Therefore, we condemn this in the strongest terms.

20 mSv/y is comparable to the [legally] recognized dose for inducing leukemia in nuclear power plant workers. It is also comparable to the maximum dose allowed for nuclear power plant workers in Germany.

In addition, this 20mSv standard [for Japanese children] does not take into account the fact children have higher sensitivity to radiation than adults, nor does it take into account any internal radiation exposure.

Currently, according to the radiation monitoring conducted at elementary and middle schools within Fukushima Prefecture, more than 75% of these schools have contamination levels comparable to “Radiation Controlled Areas” (0.6 microSv/h or more). Further, roughly 20% of the schools fall within “Individual Exposure Controlled Areas” (2.3 microSv/h or more) and are in an extremely dangerous situation.

The level set by the Japanese Government at this time amounts to coercion of this dangerous situation upon children, and, can interfere with voluntary measures by schools to minimize exposure.

MEXT states that 20mSv/y is based on the recommendation Pub.109 by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) as well as on the reference levels in the band of 1 to 20 mSv/y as “Post Emergency Situation” Standards from the ICRP statement released on March 21st. The latter means MEXT has adopted the maximum level.

As of April 21st, there has been no substantive information disclosure by the Japanese Government on the decision-making process for establishing these standards. Moreover, no explanation has been given concerning why the Government has neither taken the sensitivity of children into consideration nor internal radiation exposure into account. The contents of the consultation held between MEXT and the Nuclear Safety Commission (NSC) are not disclosed, and the situation remains extremely opaque.

We demand the following of the Japanese Government:
- Retraction of the “20mSv/y” standard for children.
- Disclosure of the names of experts, who deemed “20mSv/y” for children to be safe.

onsdag 16 mars 2011

Global Greens on Japan

Global Greens express solidarity with the Japanese people and call for radical change in the world’s energy paradigm

We, the Global Greens, representing more than 80 Green parties around the world, express our solidarity with the Japanese people at this tragic time. We send deep condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of the victims of this terrible tragedy.

Global Greens call on governments and civil society organisations in our respective countries to express their solidarity not only in words but also through practical help. The scale of the disaster is horrendous, with thousands of people dead and missing, hundreds of thousands without a home, two million without electricity and a million without regular access to drinking water.

The impacts of the earthquake and tsunami have been aggravated by fires, explosions and the potential for nuclear meltdown at several nuclear power plants. In particular, radioactive emissions and the risk caused by explosions at the nuclear plants at Fukushima have led to the evacuation of more than 200,000 people and pose an extreme risk for Japan and its neighbours. We deeply hope that the damage will be not greater than has already occurred and call on the Japanese government and the electricity companies to ensure that the public are given detailed, reliable and timely information.

The fact that these nuclear accidents are taking place exactly 25 years after the terrible Chernobyl nuclear accident calls for action. We Global Greens reaffirm our rejection of nuclear energy and our position that public and private efforts to solve energy problems should focus on using energy more efficiently and promoting clean renewable energy.

At this dramatic moment, the Global Greens call on governments such as China (which has just decided to create 50 new nuclear power plants), Italy, Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, USA, Turkey, Russia, India and many others to review their decision to promote nuclear power. Likewise we call on governments that have decided to extend the lifespan of long obsolete nuclear plants, such as Germany, Belgium and others, to close them as soon as possible.

We also call for an updated audit of the world’s existing nuclear power plants investigating their vulnerability to earthquakes, floods and events such as plane crashes and terrorist attack, and the scale of consequential impacts on people, industry and the environment.

Continuing to invest in nuclear energy when there is no solution to the problem of radioactive waste, when people are threatened each time an accident occurs, when insurance companies refuse to insure the potential risks, when they can be used for military purposes and when they constitute a permanent temptation for terrorism, is totally irresponsible.

In this time of grief in Japan, we call upon the governments of our countries to honour the victims of the earthquake and tsunami, and also to take steps to save others from experiencing the fear and disruption of nuclear accidents by initiating a paradigm shift to energy efficiency and renewable energy. Renewable energy technologies are safe, civilian in nature, create significant numbers of permanent jobs, are based on technologies available to all, and increase the energy independence or our countries. Combined with much greater energy efficiency they favour the prospect of a more peaceful and sustainable world, helping to overcome oil wars and provide energy for all. It is time to leave the nuclear era behind us.

More information: secretary@globalgreens.org

tisdag 15 mars 2011

Asia-Pacific Greens

Asia Pacific Greens Statement on Japan Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Disasters

On the afternoon of March 11, 2011 a major earthquake occurred in North-East Japan, destroying and severely damaging many cities and towns on the Pacific Coast.

Currently more than several tens of thousands of people are dead or
unaccounted for.

This catastrophe caused a cut off-off of cooling water into several
reactors of nuclear power plants located in Fukushima. As a result of
reduced water, the nuclear reactors may face a melt-down. If this occurs,
it could be the worst case of nuclear accidents all over the world.

At present, the Japanese government and electric company specialists are attempting to prevent radioactive leaks from the reactors, but they are not disclosing information such as potential size of accidents, possibility of radioactive exposure etc.

The Asia Pacific Greens Network calls upon the Japanese government:

1. To give correct, complete and timely information to the public immediately.

2. To give complete instructions for evacuation of all people at risk, in the event of additional related disasters.

3. To provide neighboring countries with complete, accurate and timely information about the potential impact of radioactivity spread.

4. To seek aid from international nuclear specialists or organisations and implement the most stringent solutions possible to address this nuclear emergency.

5. To seek aid from active nuclear rescue groups abroad.

6. To seek international financial aid toward Tsunami-affected people and infrastructure.

We of the APGN are also asking the international community to pay attention to the catastrophe, to request the Japanese Government to provide rapid and correct information regarding the process of responding to this nuclear accident.

Finally, the APGN reiterates our call to all countries in the region to
suspend all operations, constructions and plans for nuclear plants in the
Asia Pacific region until a regional hearing can fully review and evaluate
all health and safety, social, environmental, economic and other aspects
of nuclear power under the precautionary principle.

For more information
Shuji Imamoto
APGN Co-Secretary

lördag 12 mars 2011

Härdsmälta och kärnOsäkerhet

Japans kärnkraft hotas av flera härdsmältor efter jordbävningen och snabbstoppet!
Kommer det som en överraskning?

Nej, Miljöpartiet och jag själv har varnat för detta sedan Harrisburg och Tjernobyl. När jag satt i Näringsutskottet beställde jag en rapport om kärnOsäkerhet, som Lászlo Gönczi skrev.

Där konstaterar han följande:

En sannolikhet för härdsmälta, beräknad till ett haveri på 20 000 reaktor-år, kan egentliga vara ett på 200(!) reaktor-år.

Om någonting går sönder skall ett antal säkerhetsfunktioner träda i kraft. Det kan vara snabbstopp, nödkylssystem, alarm etc. De beräkningar som görs uppskattar
sannolikheten för att ett antal felaktigheter som kan tänkas leda till ett haveri skall uppstå i samma skeende. Man behöver mata in all erfarenhet av de ingående komponenterna, av komponenternas samverkan, av förutsägbara mänskliga felgrepp, och de teoretiska kunskaperna om konstruktionen av en reaktor. Genom att analysera vilka förlopp som kan leda till en härdsmälta, kan man få ett numeriskt värde på hur sannolik en härdsmälta är för en viss reaktor eller en viss reaktortyp.

Det allvarliga är, att även de moderna beräkningarna har osäkerhetsintervaller på storleksordningen en faktor 100!

Detta betyder att ett värde som ger en sannolikhet för härdsmälta, beräknad till ett haveri på 20 000 reaktor-år, kan det egentliga värdet också vara ett på 200(!) reaktor-år. Den vetenskap som uppger säkerhetsintervallet kan inte garantera någonting utöver detta!

- Det är ju ingenting konstigt med att människor gör allvarliga felgrepp, det är ju väntat, och syns på de stora osäkerhetsintervallen, kan man säga, som om det vore en tröst!

Det finns grund för att befara att riskerna med reaktordrift kan vara mer än hundra gånger så stor, än de risker som presenteras i tabeller och diagram, än de risker som man pratar om inför en bredare allmänhet. Det finns, med andra ord, en god grund att ifrågasätta reaktordriftens acceptens, både politiskt och legalt.

Det finns en tendens i svensk debatt, att vilja göra avvecklingen utan några materiella uppoffringar, i stort sett baserad på teknisk utveckling och politiskt nytänkande. Det finns dock också en anledning att tro, att riksdagen är villig till att ta någon mån av materiell standardminskning ställt i relation till den ovan beskrivna osäkerheten.

Slut på citat

Kom igen!
Var finns motståndet i Sverige!

40 000 människor demonstrerade i Tyskland den 12 mars!

onsdag 23 februari 2011

Call for Gaddafi´s resignation!

Global Greens call for Gaddafi’s resignation and an immediate end to the bloody repression in Libya

Global Greens Statement • 23 February, 2011

The Global Greens call in the strongest possible terms for an immediate halt to the bloody crackdown launched by the regime of Colonel Gaddafi and his clan against Libyan protesters. The bombing of unarmed people whose only ‘crime’ is going to the streets to protest, if confirmed, constitutes a crime against humanity. Similarly, the use of mercenary forces to attack unarmed civilians is a flagrant human rights violation. Colonel Gaddafi should resign.

Greens all over the world express their solidarity with the families of the hundreds of victims killed in the country and join them in their grief over the loss of their loved ones.

The Global Greens welcome the United Nations’ decision to establish a commission to conduct an independent investigation into the violence in Libya.

Colonel Gaddafi is risking if not promoting civil war. Urgent action is needed to end this bloody massacre and free the people of Libya. The funds of the main leaders of the Gaddafi clan should be frozen. Cynical agreements for economic help in return for refugee repatriation, made by Italy and under consideration by the European Union, should end.

We regret that the reaction so far of many world leaders, especially in western countries, has been overly cautious, more concerned with stability and trade than with the fate of Libyans protesting against one of the most brutal regimes in contemporary history.

The Global Greens call on international and regional organizations and governments, especially those that have previously tolerated and supported the Libyan dictatorship, to support instead the democratic forces in the country. 41 years of Gaddafi are enough! The era of geopolitics where countries are unashamedly complicit with criminals and inhuman dictatorships to protect their commercial interests has to end.

The Global Greens also call on the Libyan people who are demanding their political and human rights in the streets of Tripoli, Benghazi and other cities to follow democratic, secular and republican principles, respectful of the beliefs of everyone and capable of laying the foundations for a socially more just and politically more open country.

The Global Greens Coordination

måndag 14 februari 2011

Global Greens warmly support the people of Egypt

Global Greens Statement

14 February 2011

The Global Greens warmly congratulate the Egyptian people and especially the militants and activists whose commitment and courage made it possible to put an end to the Mubarak regime and animated this wonderful and historic movement.

The Egyptian people have given an extraordinary example not only to the Arab people but to all people around the world.

The Greens salute the achievement of the Egyptian people in overcoming the wall of fear created by decades of repression and bringing together young people with women and representatives from all sectors of society, giving rise to a modern, inclusive and democratic movement.

The military forces that have inherited power have an enormous responsibility to cooperate directly with representatives of the democratic movement so that the claims of the street are put into practice in the best possible way. The challenge is to prevent the revolution being hijacked by religious sectarianism, or a new military regime. The interim regime should assure:
- Immediate fair and open negotiations with the representatives of the democratic movement in the street;
- Complete suspension of the use of armed force;
- Creation of an interim government acceptable to all to drive the transition to democracy and of a representative body to elaborate the constitutional reforms required to ensure democratic elections as soon as possible;
- Steps to dismantle the repressive machinery set up by the Mubarak regime in recent decades;
- Honouring of the victims of the recent violent repression, with compensation for their families and punishment of those responsible;
- Access to the public media for all forces interested in establishing a democratic and secular republic in Egypt;
- Adoption of early measures constituting a serious step towards greater social justice and the fight against corruption;
- Immediate dissolution of the chambers of representatives resulting from the corrupt elections of November 2010;
- A clear and binding roadmap, agreed between all the actors involved, leading to a date being set for democratic elections and the necessary preparations for free and fair elections.

The inspirational example set by the Egyptian people inspires our struggle for democracy where this does not yet exist, has been trampled or is in danger. We hope that the respect shown to all minorities during the protests continues and deepens.

We reaffirm our hope that the new Egypt deepens its role as a force for peace and dialogue in the region, including strengthening its role as a broker for peace between the Palestinians and Israel while honouring its existing peace treaty with Israel.

As a movement of more than 80 Green parties from all parts of the world, we stand ready to put our experience in the struggle for democracy, social justice and environmental protection at the disposal of the Egyptian people.

We send special greetings to all activists inspired by the ideas of political ecology who contributed their bit to this revolution and wish the Egyptian Greens a bright future in the new Egypt.

tisdag 25 januari 2011

« Green Tunisia » party and youth

The executive committee of the Green Tunisia party met on Sunday 23rd January 2011, and after discussing and exchanging viewpoints on establishing transparent and democratic
party leadership, based on frank and meaningful discussion, and after all political decisions made by the executive concerning the party's management and training were adopted by the majority, including external national and international activities and the general political situation as gleaned from official and regional inter-party reports and regarding progressive parties and various elements of independent civil society, it was agreed to distribute responsibility within the executive committee in the following way:


The same day, the Youth committee of the Green Tunisia party met and chose the following structure:


The committee decided to hold the founding congress of the Youth Greens of the Green Tunisia party from 12-13th March 2011.

fredag 21 januari 2011

« Green Tunisia » declaration

Today, Wednesday 19th January 2011, the executive committee including founding members met at its temporary premises at 17 Rue Talleyrand in Tunis.

The national coordinator told the super-sized committee about our party receiving its official stamp on 17th January 2011 and his meeting with the Prime Minister on 18th January 2011.

All the founding members present were satisfied with their victories over the dictator. They also expressed their connection with the Jasmin Revolution of youth and the Tunisian people.

The meeting was honoured by the presence of Mr Ahmed Zghal, considered by Tunisian Greens as the veteran of the Greens movement in Tunisia, particularly in Sfax.

Our friend, Ahmed Zghal has supported our party and directly told the government so, when our party fell victim to the Hold-up on 03/03/2006.

The founding members of the « Green Tunisia » party salute the declaration our friend, DanielCohn Bendit made about the situation in Tunisia before the European parliament.

We consider that the revolution has not achieved its objectives, and we should remain vigilant in case dictatorship returns.

Our founding members and activists refused to participate in a « caretaker » government, and felt only a public-spirited government could meet the expectations of the popular uprising.

The executive committee plus founding members has boosted the political executive, and we provide the complete list. The executive committee including founding members will motivate and structure the party, and help us prepare for the upcoming legislative and presidential elections.

National coordinator:
Mr Abdelkader Zitouni

Mrs Nejiba Bakhtri
Mrs Naima Guiza
Mr Raouf Chemmari
Mr Fadhel Rouached
Mr Mustapha Zitouni
Mr Mohsen Maatoug
Mr Adel Azzabi
Mr Faouzi Hadhbaoui

Young Greens Coordinator:
Mr Walid Hmam

tisdag 18 januari 2011

Tunisie Verte is officially confirmed!

I would like to inform you that the Interior Ministry has just contacted us to confirm that the official stamp of the "Green Tunisia" party is ready, and to go and pick it up from the Interior Ministry.

Also, the Prime Minister has contacted us to arrange a meeting, at 9am, Tuesday 18th January 2011 in the prime minister's office.

I will send you further information as soon as it comes to hand.

Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 13:11:16 +0100
Subject: Visa de "Tunisie Verte"
From: tunisie.verte@gmail.com


Je voudrais vous informer que le ministère de l'intérieur vient de nous contacter pour nous informer que le Visa du parti "Tunisie Verte" est prêt et qu'on peut aller le récupérer au ministère de l'intérieur. D'autre part, Monsieur le premier ministre nous a contacté pour un rendez-vous Mardi 18 Janvier 2011 à 9H du matin au premier ministère. Je vous transmetterais les informations complémentaires aussitôt obtenues.

Je vous tiens au courant

Abdelkader ZITOUNI
Coordinateur National
Parti "Tunisie Verte", membre du Parti Vert Européen, membre de la fédération des verts africains, membre de "Global Greens".

onsdag 12 januari 2011

International observation in Belorus

ANALYTICAL NOTE (Prepared by International Observational Mission in Belorussia)

This analytical note was prepared on the basis of data, obtained 3 January through 5 January 2011 from 73 individuals, which include 61 questionnaires, filled in with their own hand, and personal interviews of 12 detainees

1. Law-enforcement bodies actions at the Independence square and in some other Minsk districts
1.1. The majority of interviewees witnessed the application of force on behalf of riot police officers while detaining people.
1.2. Special tools (truncheons) were also applied to the interviewed participants of the public meeting.
1.3. Some interviewees were random pedestrians and did not take part in the public meeting.

2. Conditions of detainees transportation
2.1. As some interviewees witnessed, the density in special vehicles, which belong to Ministry of the Interior of Republic of Belarus, amounted to 70 people (while maximum number of seating places is around 30)
2.2. One interviewee claimed, that the density in one vehicle (analogy of minibuses) amounted to 71 person.
2.3. As the majority of interviewees stated, detainees were prevented from using bathrooms (at the exception of the detainees in one special police vehicle).
2.4. Almost all of interviewees claimed, that the police refused water to detainees.
2.5. It took from 2 to 3 hours to transport detainees.

3. Conditions in detention centers
3.1. Detention center in Okrestina St.
3.1.1. The interviewed detainees were kept in special police vehicles from 40 minutes to 3 hours.
3.1.2. After being kept in special police vehicles interviewees were compelled to stay outside for 30-40 minutes.
3.1.3. As the majority of the interviewed stated, detainees were not allowed to use the bathroom (except the detainees, kept in one of the special police vehicles) for about 9 hours.
3.1.4. As all interviewees witness, they were all made to stand, facing the wall of the corridor and holding their hands behind their backs, for 2-3 hours. After that they were allowed to sit on the floor.
3.1.5. minimum 3 hours later, detainees were taken for the formal procedures in groups, there they sat or lay on the floor, waiting for the formal procedures. Meanwhile, as some of the interviewed witnessed, riot police officers kicked some of the detainees, who were lying on the floor, in the faces, while passing them by.
3.1.6. Formal procedures regarding a part of the detainees were started 12 hours after the detention (the bulk of detention episodes took place, as interviewees witnessed, from 22.00 till 02.00), and all this time detainees were deprived of sleep.
3.1.7. Any kind of food or water was not provided to the detainees, with an episodic exception (two interviews show that after trials in one of the police special vehicles riot police officers at their own initiative provided the arrested with food, and it was first time provided more than 30 hours after the detention.
3.1.8. At detainees' disposal was water from the bathroom tub only 8 hours later they had been transported to the place.
3.1.9. Relatives were not informed by the authorities about detentions.

3.2. In local Minsk police stations
3.2.1. As interviewees state, treatment on behalf of police officers was generally better, than the one on behalf of riot police officers, though several witnesses claim there were some instances of battery in Oktyabrskoye local police station.
3.2.2. At the same time the arrested witnessed, that students were questioned by presumably KGB officers, who compelled them to read out loud the prepared text to be video recorded at risk of being expelled from higher institutions.
3.2.3. In Oktyabrskoye local police station the under-aged female detainee was threatened by drowning in the toilet bowl and battering, and her requests not to smoke addressed to the police officers, were ignored.

4. Conditions of transportation to the courts, detention in court
4.1. During transportation detainees to court the density, according to the respondents mentioned this fact, clearly exceeds the allowable (two seats for six people)
4.2. In court buildings detainees were held up to 8 persons in rooms designed for two or three people

5. Trial
5.1. Almost all respondents witnessed that the materials of administrative cases were prepared in an identical manner without taking into account the actual circumstances of detention.
5.2. The state attorney has not been provided in most cases when the interviewed detainees asked for his involvement in the process, the refusal to admit a lawyer hired by relatives of the detained is also fixed.
5.3. Witnesses for the defense was not interrogated according to all respondents.
5.4. According to all respondents, the duration of the trials did not exceed 10-15 minutes, and the position of defense consistently wasn't taken into account.
5.5. Procedure for appealing the court decisions was clarified not
always or not completely (the obligation to pay the state fee not always was clarified, the opportunity to pay for it wasn't given, the opportunity to apply for exemption from payment was not explained).
5.6. Copies of court decisions, according to the majority of respondents, were given at the end of the period of administrative detention (ie, upon the expiration for appeal), but in the Moscow district court of Minsk copies of court decisions were usually given after a judicial act.
5.7. In Zhodino Detention centre paper for making complaints were given on the 4 th day or after five days (the period of appeal is five days after the announcement of a judicial act), and the state attorney for the drafting of complaints was not provided.
5.8. In all recorded cases (except in cases of administrative offenses against the citizens of Russia, when complaints about judicial decisions were made, these complaints were not considered.

6. Transportation to Detention centres.
6.1. According to some respondents, the riot police officers, who were bringing prisoners to the Zhodino detention centre, beat at the entrance to the special police vehicle and also at exit from it.
6.2. According to one of the arrested, he witnessed the beating of the arrested by riot police officers for the purpose of forcing him to sing the song "Sanya will be with us".

7. Detention
7.1. General
7.1.1. Drinking water was not provided
7.1.2. Law quality of food service, some respondents reported diarrheas among arrested
7.1.3. Qualified medical assistance was not always provided.
7.1.4. Beddings (mattresses, blankets, bed linen) were given not always.

7.2. Zhodino detention centre
7.2.1. According to all respondents, the temperature was acceptable, but it was close.
7.2.2. Toiletries were not given.
7.2.3. According to many respondents, there were insects in cells (cockroaches).
7.2.4. Not all respondents were taken out for walks and those who were taken - only once every 2-3 days for 15-30 minutes in the courtyard 5*4 meters or in the corridor.
7.2.5. In Zhodzino fluorescent lights were turned off at night, a weaker bulb was switched on.
7.2.6. Toilet in the part of cells consisted of a toilet bowl with a high barrier, in part - a hole in the floor with a low wall (no higher than 1 m)

7.3. Detention centre in Minsk district police station
7.3.1. According to the respondents, arrested people during the first 3-4 days they were kept in cold, unheated cell, they were forced to sleep in outerwear
7.3.2. At night the light wasn't switched off.
7.3.3. According to one of the respondents provided food was cold, the first two days breakfast wasn't provided and was given only after statements about hunger strike
7.3.4. Walkings were once a day for 15 minutes
7.3.5. Parcels were delivered not in full, there were refusal to transfer food.
7.3.6. Toilet was a hole in the floor with a low barrier.

7.4. Detention centre at Okrestino St.
7.4.1. Beddings were given not allways, even if they were given, it happened on the 3-5th day.
7.4.2. Nobody was taken for a walk.
7.4.3. Part of respondents witnessed that arrested were held in the cold, unheated cells.
7.4.4. Access to the shower was given only 1-2 times (evidence is recorded that access to the shower was given only after the collective
complaint), for one of the respondent it was provided only after 8-9 days.
7.4.5. Food in parcels was transferred not always and not earlier than 25.12.2010г.

7.5. Placement center for under age
7.5.1. Detained girl was hold until the evening 20.12.2010 in a cold, unheated room.
7.5.2. Bedding were not given, detained was forced to sleep on the floor.
7.5.3. Access to the shower was not provided.
7.5.4. Detainees were denied in access to toiletries.
7.5.5. Relatives of detained girl weren't informed.

Conclusions from the analyzed information

1. Most of the respondents suffered some form of violence;
2. Conditions of transportation and detention are described by all interviewed detainees or arrested people as inhuman and degrading human dignity treatment;
3. Trials of all interviewed detainees did not meet the criteria of a fair trial and are characterized by clearly accusatory bias.